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Neurodivergent Hangouts

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Are you neurodivergent and wanting to meet other neurodivergent folks? You've come to the right place :)) Welcome to Neurodivergent Hangouts! This society aims to provide a safe place for neurodivergent individuals (or allys who want to learn more about how to support us) to wind down and relax (in silence if needed) or come and chat to us.

We will provide stim toys, cushions or else whatever floats your boat (let us know). If you have any stim toys or anything that helps you calm down, you are more than welcome to bring them along with you.


Most events are free but everybody will have to pay for themselves for any events that aren't. Membership doesn't grant automatic entry.


We can't wait to meet everybody and create a lovely community together.

Join our WhatsApp group to find out about events and stay connected with other members between events: