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United Nations Academic Impact - UNAI

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This society wants to promote the core values of the United Nations, to do that we need your help. Do you want to become an UNAI officer?

By becoming a member of our society, you become an official officer of the United Nations Academic Impact. As an officer, you are free to build and create any project within reason that adheres to the ten guiding principles of the UNAI. We recognise that we are lucky to have many students from many walks of life at this university, and as a result we feel that you most likely have some sort of story to tell! This initiative is an opportunity to share something that you are passionate about via a medium that you think suits the topic. 

You could help educate others about things that are personal to you, such as your race, gender, nationality, religion and so on. You could also educate others on topics that affect the whole world like poverty, famine, war, global warming, immigration and more! If you think that others need to know about a topic, then you have the right to present your information to the university. We recognise as well that you may want to talk about a topic that is already being covered by another society, but we fully welcome any sort of collaborative work with other societies as well, the ball is entirely in your court. 

Lastly, we want to emphasise the fact that you are entirely in control of any project you wish to undertake. As an officer of UNAI, you are able to create nearly any sort of project that you want. Want to bring in an ambassador or local politician for a Q&A? Go for it! Want to create an interactive experience that showcases things about a global topic that people might not know about it? Upon joining, you’ll also be added to a WhatsApp group with all the other officers, which will allow you to easily collaborate with others if you want. No pressure though, the power is entirely in your hands.

We’re a new society and so we’re still getting everything off the ground so to speak. However, this means you have the chance to be some of the first members of what we’re sure will be a fantastic opportunity.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to either one of the UNAI Co-Presidents; (Liam Rock) or (Lara Erdmann).