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Believers' LoveWorld (BLW)

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'Building a happier world with God's Love is our motto!

We're a campus fellowship open to all students from all backgrounds and we are passionate about sharing the Gospel to everyone on campus.

We meet every Thursday at 5pm, room BY.GF.003



We are a campus fellowship open to all students from all backgrounds. Our weekly fellowship meeting every Thursday, provides a chance to learn more about Jesus, meet new people and take part in a variety of activities! We believe everyone should have the opportunity to find out who Jesus is, so we engage students of all faiths as well as those without a faith.

As BLW, we regularly have engaging events that bring students of all backgrounds together. During these events we have the chance to meet up with students from across the UK. This is a great way to make friends and build lasting relationships. We have had events and campaigns such as the 'ALIVE Worship Concert', the A.I.R.(Aheadship Innovators Race), Healing Streams campaigns and much more. Aside from these external events we will also be holding a range of exciting in-house events for students of UWL to enjoy. 



Purchasing a membership for BLW will give you full access to all of our events. Your membership fee will go towards running society events and creating an enriching experience for all of us here in Believers' Loveworld. Like our name says, BLW is all about building a happier world with the love of Jesus and so your membership will be spent on creating a welcoming atmosphere for yourself, and all those that come to our society events throughout the academic year! 



Over the course of the year we host a wide range of events and activities for all students such as:

  • 'ALIVE' Worship Concert
  • ‘Training, Inspiration & Empowerment’ Conference;
  • A.I.R.(Aheadship Innovators Race)
  • ALPHA Church Sunday Services 
  • Weekly Bible Study(on-campus and online)
  • ... and much more!



The Committee at BLW UWL are really excited to welcome you!