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Raise and Give

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Hello & welcome to the Raise & Give society, where we aim to create a positive, warm and welcoming environment for every student at UWL. The mission of the society is to promote inclusion to 100% and bring down exclusion to 0%.   

Have you ever felt like you don’t fit anywhere? Do you find it harder to make friends? Being a student is difficult in general and brings a completely new set of challenges that you might not have overcome before. But, it’s the most amazing opportunity to enrich your life and grow as a person.  

Raise & Give’s mission is to ensure no one feels they don’t fit anywhere and give everyone a strong community at uni. Our society is somewhere where you can meet like-minded people, make new friends and have the best time at UWL.  


Important Dates/Regular meet ups or Training:

Do follow us in our social as we will update all the all the events. And we will definitely have one event every month.  


Committee Members and Positions:

Chairperson – Captain Sefat   

Vice-chairperson – Paul Sandra  

Communication manager – Tahamira Begum  

Group administrator – Zilly Husein 


Contact Details Of your Group:


Instagram: @uwlraiseandgivesociety